Same app some changes:
City of Allentown Map
HHS emPower map customized for NYS, Data is from ArcServer and GeoJSON files
HHS data mapped with reports to consolidate data by regions and subregions.
Click on table record, data from ArcServer, using bootstrap
Bootstrap Table with details
HHS SVI map for NYS
Leaflet map showing county information
New improved emPower map with Sidebar, bootstrap reports, and charts.
Newer version of emPower, with data updates as JSON
EmPower poster for American Association of Geographers 2020 meeting.
EmPower Poster AAG 2020
Project that almost went live:
An intersting project that got shelved at the last minute
One of my first DOH projects. Photos and data may not be current.
New York legislature Map
Last project that I worked on.
New York State Safe Water app, Map is leaflet and app is angular.